I'm alive! I bet you were all starting to wonder weren't you?
Moving on.
I am so sorry for the unplanned break from the blog. I have just lost the va-va-voom, when it comes to reviewing. I am still reading (and listening) but I just can't get my butt into gear to write up some thoughts on what I read. But look at it this way. When I do get back into the swing of thing. There is going to be an epic back log of stuff coming your way. :)
Anyhoo, it's nanowrimo time! Eeek. Who's taking part this year?
I did it - and won - last year and because I am a sucker for punishment I am throwing myself into the stress machine that is November and doing it again.
Piccy time!
See ALL that? That is all the random note taking and idea jotting I have been doing. And want to know something else, that ain't even all of it. Oh yes, there is more where that came from.
I've been keeping a tally. Want to know what the damage is?
Yeah, course you do.
*clears throat*
So, not counting the actual designated notebook I have for the idea keeping, my notes are on the following,
3 x pages of A5
4 x envelopes
4 x shopping list pages (you know the thin notebooks)
6 x square sticky notes
4 x pages of A4
10-15 x slim diary pages (some have been chucked already so I am guessing this one, but no less than 12 I would say)
3 x sheets of kitchen roll
4 x squares of toilet roll paper
*ducks in embarrassment*
I told you to turn back.
Look, there are moments when there is no PAPER paper around and I just need something that will make do so I don't forget the idea...
Don't look at me like that.
Although a quick word of advice. Cheap toilet roll falls apart really easily when you are scribbling on it, so don't scrunch it up, put it somewhere safe and then get it copied onto proper paper ASAP.
Yes, I am insane. If you are new here you will be running for the hills around about now.
:( I was going to make cookies and put up a welcome banner and everything.
ANYWAY! So, yes guys, I am alive and slightly crazy right now... Hmmm...maybe it was something I ate? OR there is a pod next to my bed? Yeah, that idea is way more interesting.
Tatty bye for now.
*goes to get a metal sieve to wear as a hat to stop the aliens*