- I tried 'The Re-Read'

So as I have been wanting to move on with the rest of the Mary Russell Series by Laurie.R King I thought I would give the Beekeepers Apprentice another read to remind myself of some things before heading on with the rest.
Good plan, yes?
No. It failed miserably. For 8 weeks!!!!!! I have been reading this books I am not even half way through.
This is not a reflection on the book. Not at all! It is a wonderful, fun read (FYI if you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes it is definitely up your street). But have I been able to re-read it? Nope.
So I though that maybe it was a little too soon to read it again. It is a who-dun-it after all and I kind of knew who did the doing. So I moved on again, and again, and again. And every time the re-read failed.
OK, so the re-read was obviously not the thing to kick start the reading again.
- The 'To-Be-Read'
Pretty much covered this (see the end of Part 1 about reading first few paragraphs etc)
Another failure.
- The Audio-Book

Needless to say that this time there magic was a dud and they actually grated on my nerves.
Can you believe that? I couldn't and I stopped listening ASAP in case I put myself off.
So then I went for nice new shiny Audio-book and I downloaded The Fellowship of the Ring. It can be argued that I have been living under a rock for the past... a long time OK, and I have just seen The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers so I thought I would give the books a try.
Couldn't someone have warned me?
(more to come on THAT in a future post - or five)
- The 'screw it' plan
Yip, I reached the breaking point. Up until a week ago the only books I had bought in the last 8 weeks were The Lord of the Rings and they weren't getting me anywhere.
So I began the search.

ASDA (got to love ASDA) came to the rescue with The Zoo (I wanted to read that when it was in hardback so I thought - you got it - 'S-I') and The Witness (haven't read many Nora Roberts books, but I have read some of the JD Robb ones and so 'S-I lets give it a shot' ended up with it in my basket).
But, needless to say, both of these were a bust. Don't get me wrong, I THINK I am going to really enjoy them when I am in the right frame of mind, but the reading-mojo-sucking-monster of doom just wasn't having either of these.
Want to know what finally started be reading again?
Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
Of course you do.
The £3.33 e-book came to the rescue. Complete with a red cape and hero-music.
Lovely cute heroine, hero who is a bit of an idiot but catches on pretty quick and a not overly complicated story line.
Just what I needed to get me back into the swing of reading again!
Bit anti-climactic really isn't it. Lol.
I am so glad to be finally reading again *happy dance* because not only am I now...well...reading but I also have my blogging brain switched back on. Yay. It was so weird. I have reviews written down (and some even typed up) but I just couldn't muster up the get-up-and-go to post them or do anything really.
But now I am back! And I can even feel the tension and stress draining through my fingers as I type.
Things will be back into some semblance of a schedule this week coming :)
But, needless to say, both of these were a bust. Don't get me wrong, I THINK I am going to really enjoy them when I am in the right frame of mind, but the reading-mojo-sucking-monster of doom just wasn't having either of these.
Want to know what finally started be reading again?
Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
Of course you do.
The £3.33 e-book came to the rescue. Complete with a red cape and hero-music.
Lovely cute heroine, hero who is a bit of an idiot but catches on pretty quick and a not overly complicated story line.
Just what I needed to get me back into the swing of reading again!
Bit anti-climactic really isn't it. Lol.
I am so glad to be finally reading again *happy dance* because not only am I now...well...reading but I also have my blogging brain switched back on. Yay. It was so weird. I have reviews written down (and some even typed up) but I just couldn't muster up the get-up-and-go to post them or do anything really.
But now I am back! And I can even feel the tension and stress draining through my fingers as I type.
Things will be back into some semblance of a schedule this week coming :)