But I thought I would share the video here.
George RR Martin twisting some well known children's rhymes.
The last one killed me. Just the way he ended it so matter of factly cracked me up :)
Tata for now.

Top Ten Books I'd Quickly Save If My House Was Going To Be Abducted By Aliens
Top 10 Tuesday can be found at Broke and Bookish
Hmm tough question. I think I would be screaming “NO, TAKE ME WITH YOU!” lol.
Ok, but in all seriousness…
Book 1 – Jane Eyre – because is is responsible for me developing an obsession with books from a very young age.
Book 2 – The Phantom of the Opera – I have read that book so many times I have had to stick the cover together and the pages are all manky from were it has been stuffed into suitcases and school bags.
Book 3 – A Game of Thrones – because dammit, I am going to read this books eventually.
Book 4 – My Kindle (hahah, or does that count as cheating hmm…)
Book 5 – Dragonfly in Amber – I have read Outlander and I am not letting the house-abducting-aliens get by brand new copy of Dragonfly that I haven’t even started yet.
(yeah, really showing my maturity level here aren’t I? Moving on…)
Book 6 – Naked in Death – once again, just got it, and the aliens aren’t getting a book I haven’t even had a chance to dislike yet – not that I will dislike it, I am sure I will love it)
Book 7 – The Scarletti Curse - one of my favourite books.
Book 8 – North and South – Mr Thornton need I say anymore.
Book 9 – Dork Diaries – I need some silliness in there and Dork Diaries is brilliant.
Book 10 – Wintersmith – One of my favourite books.
So what would your top 10 books to save from an alien abduction be.
And now for part 2
First up is my Waterstones buys.
Divergent and the Somnambulist are once again the fault of my friend who said I HAD to read Divergent Exit Strategy is one that has been in my mind for a while now and Warbreaker kind of waved at me as I was heading to pay.
And next we have Dobbies
I have read the first of Laurie R. Kings books and I loved it so I have been trying to pick up the rest of the series whenever I see it.
And The Works.
I may have picked up an extra copy of Wither and The Scorpio Races for a giveaway. Just saying…
And next there is thebookpeople.co.uk
This is the Lily Bard – Shakespeare Mysteries.
And that’s me. I won’t leave it so long next time
I can’t believe that it has been SO long since I last did a proper In My Mailbox post. I have raked through my bookshelves and dragged out all the books I can remember getting since and wow. I think I am in serious need of some help lol.
So here goes.
First of all the books I have got from Ebay.
The Scarletti Curse is one of my favourite books so I found a new copy for cheep and I heard about the ‘In Death’ series and thought it sounded brilliant. Not to mention that there are over 30 books in the series if I like the first one So plenty of reading. And my friend said that Viral and its sequel are really good.
This is a science fiction series. Fire Dancer, Dancer’s Illusion and Dancer’s Luck – sorry about the picture being cut off.
And next are the books I got from readitswapit.co.uk
I don’t really have much to say about these I am afraid other than that they sound good. I have been wanting to read Playing with Fire and Keeping it Real for some time so I am looking forward to them. Up in Smoke is the 2nd in that series so I am waiting for the 1st to arrive before I start reading
TGIF is a weekly meme that can be found over at greadsbooks.com. Every week you can find a question that is bound to get you thinking.
It has been quite a while since I have done a TGIF hop but I could not pass up this weeks question.
Love Stories: What are some of your favourite fictional love stories?
Jane Eyre hands down has always been my favourite love story since the moment that I read it. Jane and Rochester’s story just stuck with me after I read it. And because of this it has been one of the most replaced books on my shelf .
These Old Shades by Georgette Heyer. The romance between Justin and Léon is not the strongest part of the book (in my opinion) but it is a lovely story and I have read it more that once.
I admit to having a weakness for Beauty and the Beast stories. Man scarred in battle finds girl of his dreams. Drunk father wagers only daughter to the dark, brooding, reclusive earl. Yip, can’t get enough of that kind of thing.
One of my FAVOURITES! That for some reason I don’t have a copy of anymore…weird. So we have a long dead knight and his men who thanks to a curse have been unable to move on and along come the love interest. This is honest to goodness one of those book you read and start to wonder if there will be a happy ending… The same can be said for Cindy Miles other book Into Thin Air (touch and go a bit)
And I shall leave it there.
Tata guys
I can now officially say that I have read and enjoyed A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – you guys have no idea how warm and fuzzy that makes me inside. I have been wanting - well obviously not enough as it took me so long to get round too – to read this book for AGES. I have tried to read it once before but it was a collection, you know, A Christmas Carol and other Christmas Stories, that kind of thing. And the shallow person that I am didn’t like reading from this whopping hardback just for one 100 pages story.
Moving on
I have only ever seen adaptations of the book, from Muppets to Jean-Luke Picard Scrooge, so I didn’t know what to expect from the source material.
I tried to go in with no preconceived notions. but that didn’t work.
In fact, I don’t remember ever having so much fin reading a book before. I was smiling almost all the way through it and read the majority of it out loud to myself.
Because I ended up singing direct lines that had been taken from the book and put into the various musicals. That’s why!
“captive, bound, and double-ironed”
And also it is a smashing book for reading aloud I think. Even if it is only to yourself.
I have never read a ghost story – that I can remember anyway. I know when I was in primary school one of my teachers read us The Canterville Ghost…
But anyway, if I was to have any kind of introduction to a good old ‘ghost story’ I am glad that this was it. It was dark and gothicy and definitely had a haunted air all the way through it.
As this is one of the best known stories out there I won’t go into the story etc, but if you, like me, have been one of those people who have watched a film version and after thought ‘I wonder what the book is like?’ please give it a read. I think you will find it worth your while.
*skips away singing*
You’re doomed Scrooges, doomed for all time…
Hi everyone! It is Friday! And for once here is the post when it is meant to be up.
This week we have the Diana Gabaldon podcast.
Diana Gabaldon is the author of the Outlander series and her podcast is a pretty fun read. Spoilers are pretty minimal in her episodes. And in fact she hardly actually talks about specific books in her series. She talks about how a book is put together, how she writes a scene, battlefields that are in her books, where she is invited to go as a writer etc,
There is bout 20 episodes that were recorded in 2008 and unfortunately there isn’t anymore – which I think is a shame.