Chanson de l’Ange by Paisley Swan Stewart is a 3 volume epic retelling of The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. Drawing inspiration from The Opera Ghost in all his incarnations through book and film; and remaining faithful to key story elements from the classic original, the author weaves a haunting tale of Christine Daae’s companionship with the mysterious Angel of Music.
In the concluding chapters of Chanson de l’Ange, Christine confronts the ghosts of both her past and present. As she performs the starring role in her Angel’s magnificent opera, she must brave a future where all those she loves are thrust into a soul stirring crescendo that will leave readers breathless.
(Image and Description from
After waiting five years to read the completion of Christine and Erik's tale I felt sick with nerves when I finally had The Angel's Song in my hands and prepared to crack the spine and start.
I am almost shaking with excitement as I write this.
With all of my posts on Chanson de l'Ange I have found myself writing less than I have wanted to for fear of giving anything away...
I am not having this problem with the final book. My lack of coherency is caused by pure emotion and slack jawed wonder.
With all of my posts on Chanson de l'Ange I have found myself writing less than I have wanted to for fear of giving anything away...
I am not having this problem with the final book. My lack of coherency is caused by pure emotion and slack jawed wonder.
This was by no stretch of the imagination an easy read and more than once I would have found it quite easy to give up as the characters found themselves in situations that broke my heart but I forced my way through the ups and down.
The Angel's Song brings the darker side of Erik's personality to the for front and gives a whole knew meaning to having a split personality as Erik's darker side wars with the side that has been Christine's Angel since she was a child. Let's just say that out of the three novels I think that the Gothic element has never been stronger than in The Angel's Song as Erik and Christine's course rocks the lives of those around them.
All of the loose ends that have been left hanging through the first two books and the mystery of Christine's mother's death is finally revealed as well as the skeletons that have been hinted at in Madame Giry's closet as Philip (Raoul's older brother) desperately searched for something to hold over her and kill his brother's love for Christine.
The Angel's Song put my emotions through the wringer again and again and left me exhausted by the final page as the story of Christine and her Angel came to an end.
"Gah!!!!" *throws book across the room and huffs* "I'm sorry baby" *retrieves book and strokes cover lovingly*
"Gah!!!!" *throws book across the room and huffs* "I'm sorry baby" *retrieves book and strokes cover lovingly*
@PaisleySwanS it was beautiful and heartbreaking and had that bitter/sweet quality that will haunt me for a while yet. Brava Bonnie :) x
— Alex (@BletheringBkwrm) October 27, 2013