Friday, 23 December 2011

Sad it is Only a CD Cover...(20)

So here it is, the last in the CD cover series.


And here is this weeks choice.

Now, I am not sure what it is about this cover but it throws off end of the word and steampunk vibes at me. What do you guys think?

Definitely has a ruined earth thing to it don't you think?

And that is us.

I hope you all enjoyed this little segment. I will be coming up with something else to fill a Friday so don't panic (not that you are or anything) Something new and pretty shall be awaiting you all next Friday.

Before I go though  shall leave you with a picture that didn't fit in the book cover category but it the cover of one of my favorite CDs.

And now for a round up (imagine some melancholy music while you are flicking through this ;))

free glitter text and family website at

1 comment:

  1. I really like the first cover, it looks... somewhere between Salvador Dalì and a bit of Van Gogh in Starry Night.

    ;) the second one was only okay for me.


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