I have finally seen Jane Eyre (well months ago actually but lets forget that for the time being ;)) – Well in all honesty I saw it
at the beginning of last month but who’s being picky ;).
Anyway, moving on…
It was ok…I suppose. Ok, FINE, it was a bit of a let down.
Which was a major bummer as I have been looking forward to it for nearly a
year. My main gripes are with the story – well the way that the story was
chopped up.
#1 – we are not told who Adele is. Yes we find out that she
is Mr Rochester’s ward and that Mr R knew her mother nut that is it! Mr R at no
point has the ‘mistress’ talk with Jane.
#2 – The Rivers aren’t Jane’s cousins! I know right! What’s
with that?
#3 – Richard Maison
(Bertha’s Brother) looked WAY too young. He looked around Jane’s age when he is
supposed to be nearer Mr R’s age.
#4 – the editing struck me as being really choppy and disjointed
at points.
#5 – Mr Rochester was sarcastic to the point of being rude!
I didn’t like that.
#6 – The relationship between Jane and Rochester just
happened. There was no building - but then I can semi-sorta forgive them that as this was only 2 hours.
But now onto the good stuff.
#1 – it was very gothicy and I loved that feeling.
#3 – I loved the relationship between Jane and Adele. It is
something that has never sat right with me in the other version floating around
but I think that it was nailed here. They had Jane telling Adele stories on the
floor with Adele on her lap and Adele cuddling up to Jane… I just loved it.
#4 – that bit in the library. This is a bit that seems to
come and go in Jane Eyre adaptations. After the wedding explosion and Jane
comes out of her room to find Rochester waiting for her and he takes her to the
(I think it is) the library and gets her a drink, yada, yada, yada. Yeah

I loved it!
Yeah I know I’m weird, but there was so much emotion and
pain as he was holding onto her and crying and burying his head in her stomach
as she stands up to leave … this just hit it on the head for how I have always
imagined this scene to be. LOVED IT!
#5 – When Jane comes back to Thornfield she meets Mrs Fairfax
and Mrs Fairfax asks her why she ran away, telling Jane that she had some money
saves and Jane should have come to her. So TOTALLY fictional – in that it
wasn’t in the book – but I loved it. It was a lovely moment.
And last but not least
#6 – Jane has a dream when she in in her own cottage and it
is snowing – yeah you guys remember that bit form the trailer don’t you. That
was gut wrenching to watch and see how she still loved him.
So all in all. OK. I still though it was disappointing but
alright. It annoys me that they had so much to work with and they still come
out with what they did, but never mind that is just my personal opinion.
If you have seen it what did you think?
Oh and one last thing. The CUTE moments between Jane and Rochester in this version were at an all time high - just thought i'd add that.

Well... I watched this earlier in the year and I didn't like it, I also felt like it was a bit of a let down.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jane was cast appropriated, I don't think Mia W has the chops yet to pull this off. She lacked intensity.
Rochester, I liked and not only because I find Michael F to be one hot dude, but I thought he did intensity well, even if the scrip didn't help him.
As you say, the movie was choppy and without a nice flow to it.
Oh, and btw, have you read the modern re-telling Jane by April Lindner?
I'm glad you got to see it and analyze it. As you may know I have some serious issues with this book. I won't bug you with them, though. ;)
ReplyDeleteI liked this one but not as the older Jane Eyre. Still the love story is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI thought Mia was actually really fantastic as Jane Eyre.
ReplyDeleteI quite like the gothic-ness as well - the whole atmosphere of the movie was somehow really alluring to me!