Sunday 31 July 2011

Steampunkiest Cover I Ever Did See

This was just so deserving of a post. I have been meaning to have a good blether about it for weeks and I have Just got round to it now.

So here goes.

Does this yell STEAMPUNK! Or does this yell STEAMPUNK....

Steampunk-ie or what guys!

And this is so wasted! Want to know why? Because it isn't even a book cover, it is a CD cover.

See, it is the first CD from a band called Halestorm. But jazzy cover though ;)

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  1. Oh man! That is an amazing cover. And like you said all that greatness wasted on a cd cover. geez. Thanks for sharing it though! :)

  2. That would make a great book cover. And I think it screams steampunk even more than the cover for The Girl With The Steel Corset...which is actually a steampunk novel. How weird.

    Shanan (new follower)


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