I admit I have been a little slow with jumping on the Hunger Games band wagon but I have been a little backwards about coming forwards with these books because of the reaction that they have received. I don't know about you guys but do good reviews intimidate you? I know that they do me. And it seems like everywhere I turn there have been nothing but good review about this series. And...well...it seems to be the kind of book where I like the idea of it in my head because of the teaser/spoilers/whatever you want to call them that I have picked up through various reviews and I don't want to shatter that nice little illusion that I have going in my mind. Does that make sense?
That being said I won't watch the film until I have read the book so I had better get a move on and read the series before the film comes out.
The Hunger Games waiting patiently on my shelf, waiting for me to blow the dust of it and crack open the pages...