Guess what?
Yip, you got it, I am still sitting with the exact same books on my night stand as I had 3 weeks ago.
And yes, it is getting a little depressing so I am going to shake things up a wee bit and add some new things to the pile.
In my defence I am nearly done listening to The Woman in isn't really freaking me out like I was expecting it to though.
I am going to try sooooo hard to at least get Phoenix Rising finished. I swear this book is glaring at me.
And as for Dragonfly in Amber...well, we'll see.
And I am adding some Christie to the pile.
The Secret Adversary is a Tommy and Tuppence novel - they are 2 Christie detectives that I haven't read yet so this should be interesting.
Is it just me or is that cover a bit scary?
After WW1, childhood pals Tommy Beresford and "Tuppence" Prudence Cowley, lack money and prospects, become adventurers for the British Government. Rich American Julius P. Hersheimmer, powerful Mr Whittington, and an evil mastermind's conspiracy all seek Jane Finn, given papers vital to peace by an agent at the sinking of the Luisitania. Kidnaps, escapes.
Dun, dun, duuuuuuun.
Happy Reading!