Monday, 14 July 2014

What I am Reading...

Yip, my reading has been that dire in the last week that I am still on what I was reading this time last week.

No, really, it has been that bad that I am in the exact same place in the exact same books as last Monday. I haven't even been a able to listen to any more of The Woman in Black, that's how bad it has been.

Terrible I know, but for some reason I just haven't been able to sit down and read. Either my mind was on something else and reading was a chore (how horrible is that!) or I was asleep (been a bit sick this past week).

Here's hoping this next week will be better for my reading!

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1 comment:

  1. Haha, I'm basically in the same position as you! I've been working my way through two slower books for the past several weeks, City of Thieves and I Know This Much is True. I FINALLY finished CoT over the weekend, but I've got about 300 pgs left of IKTMIT. I had to actually write myself a schedule for finishing it because I was really starting to lose steam!


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