Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?
I always hate this question. Whenever someone asks me it I start glancing around and looking at anything and everything except for my interrogator, hoping they will forget the question.
When I was younger I would have said Classical literature and told you that Lorna Doone and Jane Eyre were the two books that made me fall head over heals in love with that genre. BUT! If I were being hinest I would say it was the romance and forbidden love of the story line that made me so attracted to the books.
So...Romance maybe. But then I love a story with a dash of magic and a hint of the little folk.
So...paranormal perhaps?
But then I also can't get enough of a good historical piece filled with grizzly beheadings and court
Yeah, you can probably see why I run for the hills when I get asked this question.
Right now however my reading choices are pointing heavily in the dungeons, dragons, elves and fairy folk direction. Can't go wrong with a little bit of pixie dust.

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